we rock like hell PASA SDN BHD
Sunday, November 30, 2008,
4:27 AM
where is our english report??
thanks wanpei.. your report is so fantastic.. good.. as the 1st time, u did very well 不愧没选错. just lack of our agm nvm.. write an agm report 4 us hhaha
4:25 AM
Danzity's blog
hello friends, view this about the visit of danzity http://idance2008.blogspot.com/
Saturday, November 29, 2008,
11:08 PM
i cant even remember wat happen in the toilet..YOU ALL EDIT EH!!!!!!!!!!
7:10 AM
omg!! kena boom again!! oh no... die liao la!
12:29 AM
[vc's farewell] 聚会报告
警告:此文很罗嗦,请耐心阅读 活动:欢送vc的聚会 时间: 6.00pm - 11.00pm 地点: Penang Sports Club 举办人: 蔡苡茜 由于报告由本小姐来写,所以从我到的时候开始写。哈哈。 5.50pm 在等待其他人的到来的时候,无聊的人们开始玩起前几天我们玩的true or dare.[严重警告:其游戏绝对是为了毁掉个人形象而设的] 前半段时间因为人数较少,游戏并没有很CJ,全部都选true 问废废的问题,回答废废的答案。 到天要开始暗的时候[是恶魔出来的时候] , 游戏开始CJ 了。 第一个形象被毁的受害者 :chuah sue yi 小姐 惩罚是 :亲当时唯一的男生[林建明] 的手 由于当事者不好意思,亲得太快,没有人拍到 ..所以...我们没有证据 但是这件事情 可能 撮合了1对新人哦~ 哈哈 看起来很配嘛~ 第二 受害者 :陈佩莹 小姐 惩罚 :沿着游泳池操步 第三受害者 : 伍美思 小姐 惩罚 : 到游泳池对面去唱[ 对面的女孩看过来] 一直到另一边的人全部把头转过去为止。 第四受害者 :本小姐 惩罚 :到游泳池对面去,乱掰泰国话 [ 实在有够丢脸的] 哈哈 精彩的!! !! !! 咱们的吴家好同学 “中”了! 哈哈哈 惩罚是 :穿裙子 !!!![结果大班人全冲进厕所里做偷窥狂...汗= =] 很期待照片吧?..... .................................................................... 有必要这样子么?需要那么露骨么?[ 看那手...] 太过分了..真的...手都签了,装什么羞 接下来的不想写了[极度郁闷] 接下来我们吃饭,吃完饭我们又继续玩 哈~后来大伙们都决定要把vc弄哭,我们就换到一个安静点的地方 结果到最后..2个男生跟一大班的女生在飚歌 然后就是我们PASA的常年大会~ 哈哈[ 理事会名单迟点会公布] 就这样....风言风语到晚上11.00pm我们就拜拜了~ [报告完毕] ps:抱歉,第一次写报告,腐烂之处,请多见谅。哈哈
Friday, November 28, 2008,
9:11 PM
i want to 澄清 something lo. not i force our beloved secretary to write that report one lo. is her partner, jodie ng sms her one lo. i just sit beside jodie when she send that message. she want wanpei to write before she sleep lo. if didnt write then cant sleep. haha. right or not wan pei? anyway, thx alot wp. i love u!! :) iLOVEpasa
8:03 AM
report for vc's farewell.
its so late now. and our vice president [snoopy] forced me to write the report before i sleep. i dont really know where should i start. 大家好! 非常冷的凌晨 某人被逼坐在电脑前 写报告 可是真的很抱歉 由于本人的记忆实在是有问题 现在真的什么都写不出来 只好先占个位 明天再来补写 真的感到很 " 抱歉 " ....................................................................................
Monday, November 24, 2008,
4:34 AM
Friday, November 21, 2008,
6:03 PM
假期过了一个星期。 从星期一到星期六,你我又做了什么? 是否在那里浪费时间?还是这个星期都过得很充实? 一天一天的逼近了Vc要离开的日子,大家是否察觉到? 但我们之间的回忆却不会因时间的流逝俄渐渐淡忘。 那些还在无所事事的,是时候清醒了! 赶紧把握时间哦! 假期快乐!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008,
4:31 AM
To jodie.
not tiao ti want to piak you la. don't dare to piak u also. later vc will beat me. hehe. but cannot always cry one lar. xD. 加油,伍美思!
1:22 AM
today, i read this blog. and i read the LAST post. and i read about something. something about somebody. somebody that wants to PIAK me. PIAK me because i cried too much. (yayy) i wonder. i wonder. who's tht someone ?? WHO HARR ??? and. without thinking, within one second or lesser. I GOT MY ANSWER. I KNOW NOW. who is the someone.... LOL. now everybody's gonna piak me.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008,
5:25 AM
今天再次踏入那說長不長說短不短的超級走廊... 想起上一次站在那兒, 應該是星期五放學的時候吧! 那天~~~ 大家應該都帶著蠻沉重的心情到學校吧! 雖然不確定,但感覺得到... 沉澱的心,早也已經沒有作用. 大家像往常般的在忙著自己的事情... 七早八早的秘密會議,去看戲... 簡單普通的活動,但對我來說...也許是一輩子的事情! 今天算是陪伴苡蒨最後一次走完這整間學校了吧! 她忙著向我道歉,但我反而覺得那是幸福吧! 可以走在一個好朋友的身邊,不用做作,一切簡單自然... 還有一件事情很不能tahan的lo.. 就是那個伍美思,一個早上要哭幾次!! piak下去啊!雖然大家都真的很不捨... 但.......... 哈哈!隨便吧!你們...要好好珍惜哦! 看完了戲,大家回到了班上,圍在一起講個不停... 很喜歡這樣的感覺... 看著時間一點一滴的過去了,很遺憾的是最後一天的最後一刻, 大家還是沒能聚在一起... 很明白大家都很忙啦!所以就.......沒關係lo. emmm...一定還會有機會的,對吧?! 給苡蒨的抱抱,大家都哭了!..... 是因為離別...還是大家都放不下這段感情了?! 一起認識的時間不多,但這卻是人生中很重要並且很美好的時候. 最後一天了,以後還會聚在一起嗎? 見面時還會有往日般的熱情及真誠的問候嗎? 離開學校的前幾分鐘,我們跑到了樓下陪苡蒨duty. 純粹的幾分鐘,但心裡卻是滿滿的. 最後的鐘聲響了~ 一路陪她走到了校門口...見到大家的反應都是一樣的:永別了! 永別=永遠離別?是這樣嗎?... 他爸爸終究到來了...再見了苡蒨!再見了大家! 趁假期好好休息充電一番吧!路還很遠很長.... 要走好了! 雖然不一定可以協手共渡, 但一路上一定會有著大家的祝福. 還有一起的回忆~ 保重了... "我們的故事怎能忘 太多的回忆和希望"
Monday, November 17, 2008,
7:59 PM
i'll be missing u though like u say we've become closer after the trip n also thx to ying ting who let me hv more chance to talk to u don worry i'll go to visit u when i went there coz my cousin brother study at there hv a happy time there
Sunday, November 16, 2008,
6:01 PM
xoxo vc
me too... i'll miss you jodie.. i'll miss everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
9:32 AM
i'll miss you. so much.
2:02 AM
xoxo vc
Friday, November 14, 2008,
11:56 PM
HAPy HOlidaySS
4:32 AM
form3 life ended. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
4:25 AM
last day for all of us. PASA will temporary lack of a member. our beloved VICHIEN... omg. cnt imagine the life without her. i want to follow her to s'pore also. I WANT!! because i dun want to leave her. bt i also want to be with all of you. how??!! just few hours past since our skul day. but I START TO MISS YOU GUYS ad. iLOVEpasa. FOREVER.
12:38 AM
明天就是假期的开始,无论有多讨厌多讨厌它都会来。我决定把心情换一换,因为我躲不过。 中四,已经是大姐了,讲得难听点是老了。 我们都即将步入中四,有人说16岁是含苞待放的花儿,需要经历过努力,挣扎,才能绽放。 朋友,因为有你们的陪伴,我的 过去 现在 未来 都是愉快的。 ps:Vc,我会想你的,真的!
Thursday, November 13, 2008,
1:42 AM
THX my dear vc
hahaha, u oso went to find the lyrics ah ? when i knew this song i went to find the lyrics n i had printed it out ... Then i sing almost everyday ... recall the scenes in 'ming zhong zhu ding' *how sad* i guess my neighbours r very ko lian , have to listen to me singing , hahahah but now no more d la yting
Wednesday, November 12, 2008,
6:59 AM
4:32 AM
to my beloved Ying Ting. 花 接受凋零 風 接受追尋 心的傷還有一些不要緊 我接受你的決定 你將會被誰抱緊 唱什麼歌哄他開心 我想著天空什麼時候會放晴 地球不曾為誰停一停 你的明天有多快樂不是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌 時間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格 你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可 最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 我只能唱著一半的歌 我的明天快不快樂都是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌 時間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格 你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可 最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 另一半的歌 xoxo vc
4:07 AM
The end of me.
two more days to the big fullstop people. too bad im going to welcome the big holiday with tears. T-T have fun people! xoxo vc
3:19 AM
i hate this coming holidays too!! just left 2 days, my frens... hope to have more time with u all. bt everything comes to the end. it doesn't mean end kay.. this holidays IS NOT equal to end. our frenship will never ever end!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008,
5:36 AM
i din really hoping dis holiday to come...... i scare to go to form 4..... scare to leave u all coz i chose package 6...... i noe some PASA member(s) chose d some but i still takut..... wat to do???hu can save me??? dis coming holiday = leaving u all??!! (but still under a same roof) i don want!!!!!!
3:49 AM
OMG. i'm GREEN. nice photo. lalaala.
Monday, November 10, 2008,
1:30 AM
Editing PASA photo.
Oleh sebab latar belakang blog kita berwarna hitam, gambar tersebut tidak akan nampak cantik kerana itu sekeliling ialah putih. Jadi nampak 'keras'. Harap kalian faham. YNGSHIN
1:23 AM
Thats so sweet!!
chea how , about the whole family pic , it makes me think of sthing !! everyone wans to know what is it ??wan ?wan? but even if u guys donwan to know i oso wan to tell , NO , it should b a must, i must tell !! hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah R u guys saying the word OH NO when u guys r reading this post ?! well i m saying OH YEAH !! IT MAKES ME THINK OF XIAO TIAN !! XIAO TIAN TIAN !! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~ MY WONDERFUL , CUTE , SWEET, HANDSOME DARLINGGG dont scold me , guys or say the word : AGAIN?! ... i juz wan to share , owh ~ one more thing : yng shin , ur owodog is dead!!cuz u donwan give me rm2200 my xiao tian help me zhu tou , protect my hak !! hahah swt lol yting
1:19 AM
xoxo vc
I walked into the school grounds, another new day awaits. And then the last school bell rings. Another schoolday ended. 4 days later, I'll be sitting at home doing nothing. Since nobody is kind enough to invite yours truly out. Wake up. Eat. Tuitions. Eat. Sleep. How boring can life be? Everyone can't wait for the arrival for this wonderful holiday. I would have been wishing for it to arrive sooner. But I ended up wishing it to arrive later. Believe me, it is difficult to be alone. I started to make this lame plans. Plan A: Run away to some friend's house and never go back. Plan B: Bring everyone to Singapore so I won't feel lonely anymore. You won't know how it feels until you're the one who is leaving. I always laugh at people who cried during farewells. I thought, we can always come back. We can still talk to each other. We will still be friends. But now, I'm the one who is laughing at myself. I know, people experience changes. It is all part of life. But I can't accept changes no more. It is just not fair that I'm experiencing more changes than anyone else. How? I transferred to another school when I was in standard 4, leaving everything behind. Back then, I was little, I didn't know how precious friendship were. So that was okay. I did not hesitate much. Went to a new environment, learnt new things. It was quite fun. But how I regret I gave up the friendship that was slowly blooming. And now I am going to Singapore and leaving everything behind, AGAIN. WHY? I had never stayed in the same school for more than 3 years. Never had I graduate with my fellow mates that I started the first years with. I want that feeling of long term friendship. But maybe that's the one thing I will never get. You guys may think distance is no challenge for us. But next year will be a whole new year. A whole new story. And notice that it will be one without me. Distance is something bigger than you think my friends. Soon, I'll be forgotten. And at last vanish.
Sunday, November 9, 2008,
11:25 PM
to everyone
i LOVE yngshin. i LOVE vichien. i LOVE jodie. i LOVE meiling. i LOVE yiqi. i LOVE xin ee. i LOVE yuenlin. i LOVE ahhu. i LOVE ahweng. i LOVE wanpei. i LOVE peiying.' i LOVE kiesha. i LOVE alicia. i LOVE everyone. yayy!!
6:03 AM
Hey. What's wrong with you guys? You all abandon me and then.. you all make couples yourselves, and having love lai love ki. How about me? Love myself and then hate myself again, and then back to love myself again,huh? Then I'll throw my TOMATOES myself, and then I'll say sorry to myself, and then I'll realize that I didn't throw TOMATOES, and then apologize to myself, and then promise to myself that I'll be Loyal to LYEYNGSHIN, and then that's the HAPPY ENDING?
1:26 AM
Ya , i want !!
chea how , i wan to watch movies!! u choose the date la , very boring at home 1 more thing : WHERES MY DVD??? i waited for u so long 2day but u let me down , so sad nia, no la kidding hee yting
Saturday, November 8, 2008,
11:37 PM
don't say that please. you're HURTING me. iloveyou.
7:13 PM
want to have some movie(s) together ? lots of movie are coming soon~~
7:01 PM
STOP that guys.. huiyo.. so geli.. love lai love ki.. wa tat
6:53 PM
sorry VI.
6:10 PM
ain't gonna buy that
You two pakat to bully me. Do you think I'm so stupid to believe you two? T-T. BACKSTABBERS. So sad. I gave you my heart, Jodie. And you threw them back at me. My heart fell into damn pieces. Now, I'm half dead. I'm going to eat them pieces up so I can finally die. xoxo vc
7:12 AM
thank you jodie! haha. finally you come out to say something. thx a lot! yea, we are nothing! vichien, jodie LOVES you. not me!! yayy!! Jodie(L)Vc Vc(L)Jodie
6:54 AM
yea. NOTHING with CHEA HOW. i love vichien. YES.
6:29 AM
well. its nothing. all ppl tuan2jie2 to bully me la. fine. haha. its alright. i have nothing to say. vc, i really didnt throw jodie's tomatoes away. AND nothing with your beloved jodie. okay?!! haiyo..
6:12 AM
HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! if they angry means got sthg sthg... make some noise ppl(ooooooooo~~~~) 's'ones getting angry, lalalalaallalalalalaalala' But u guys , dont b afraid cuz 阮經天my 3rd husband will protect everyone i call him 小天though , so next time when i say 小天. do know who he is ok, girls??ya , i know the ans is ok!!^^ those who wan to c how handsome he is can go to my blog n c , yng shin saw it n said nice , hahaha, my husband of course nice la, the photo is at the header of the page!! isnt it amazing ?! yting
5:11 AM
It's just two pictures. And it's just pictures. It ain't showing you guys kissing or whatever. Nobody said anything except Yng Shin who drew this love shape thingy on it but it doesn't mean a thing okay? Don't be angry. If it really doesn't mean anything then just let it be. Cause the pictures only show what friends do. If you're angry, then we all know what it means. RIGHT EVERYBODY? :) Hugs.
4:46 AM
Red alarm!
walao.. ppl starts angry lo.. my friends.. better be very very careful.. there is a murderer in pasa.. oh my.. red alarm! all of us protect one anothers.. let us be united.. haha so sket~!
4:39 AM
you guys ar.. amboi!! im the last one who come here, really suprise. and when i saw all this article. really kek si ar!! so,i have a decision. and i think that was right. that is, i want to KILL people. hahahahaha~
3:17 AM
belacan is the person who post the two pics. and jodie is the one who took dat pic @ alicia's hse. see la, 幽会 @ their own hse... tsk tsk tsk...... LOVE . LOVE . LOVE. LOVE. belacan ~
1:15 AM
uncle.. u are such a brave person.. wahaha.. u noe why? becuz the one who post this at the 1st cal others to protect her.. bt u didn't mention.. careful o~! haha 原来,一山还有一山高。 at first, i made some plans.. bt now.. walao.. geng a pls: protect me! my life is in risk!
Friday, November 7, 2008,
5:22 AM
tsk tsk tsk..... p/s: u guys must protect me if i get 追杀 by both of them.
1:49 AM
i guess i m the last one to post this blog , izit ??!!haha!! yipee ! PASA has its own blog ...thx vc ATTENTION!! vc , jodie & yng shin's love are fake *palsu punya* Only my love for kevin cheng is true...what do u call that ?!!yes , true love!! 'Kevin cheng loves me , i love kevin cheng , we r happy family ' dont u guys agree ??i know u guys agree la :p ♥yting
1:03 AM
and miss V. i love you. NOT CHEA HOW. ok ?? ok. *say ok.
12:43 AM
12:37 AM
I always win in Monopoly. OH YEAH.
I wonder if anyone in this world has psychic powers. Powers to unveil people's thoughts. Then every one's secret will be no secret anymore. These powers should be used on some hypocrital people who tell you they love you but they don't. And on people who snatch your girlfriend. And on people who steal tomatoes. :( p/s: don't take this too seriously.
Thursday, November 6, 2008,
2:34 AM
thanks alicia, wan pei and jodie.. u guys are so nice.. thanks 4 ur makaroni.. it is very tasty.. besides.. thanks yi qi for the agar-agar.. it is also very tasty.. wao.. most of the pasa members are good in cook!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008,
4:23 AM
See, no one likes me. but there's always one in this world, who is supporting me and loving me all the times, that make me feel lovely. GUESS WHO?
1:15 AM
Date: 4th November 2008 Time: 1:50pm-7pm Venue: Gurney Plaza Program: watch the coffin, followed by HSM3 Target: PASA members and friends Entry form (if there isn't ur name, pls add urself): alicia chea how wan pei jodie Vc olalaling yuen lin a hu a weng uncle shu yi kiesha weiling
12:36 AM
Jodie is MINE! MINE!!!!!! GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL!!! love you jodie. muacks!<3
Saturday, November 1, 2008,
9:36 AM
dis is my first blog n i m hapi to share it wif u all. (n_<)
8:01 AM
it's called.
6:40 AM
❤Vc ™
I hope you guys like this layout... If you guys don't like it I can change it.:) I have nothing much to say. Just hoping everyone will post something often. heh. BFFssssss. Love ya'll. |